Air Quality Statement
As smoke from wildfires becomes a more regular occurrence across the Bike Rally region, we are studying the best ways for us to adapt our training rides and the event itself to keep our participants healthy and safe.
Ultimately, it is up to individual riders to watch for air quality advisories and assess their personal risk before cycling long distances. In terms of cancelling rides, we are working under the current loose guidelines, which are subject to change:
Air Quality Health Index of 9-10 or more: Training ride will likely be cancelled.
Air Quality Health Index of 7-8: The Training ride could be cancelled, depending on other variables (temperature, ride difficulty, etc.)
Air Quality Health Index of 6 or under: The training ride will not be cancelled. It is up to individual participants to assess their own risk.
Air Quality is extremely variable and difficult to predict, and changes hour to hour. Any announcements about cancellations will be made on social media and the website calendar the night before the ride, or at least two hours before departure time that morning.